Select and customize background basemap options to complement your spatial data layers.
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Select and customize background basemap options to complement your spatial data layers.
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Choose from Felt's background options to create the perfect foundation for your data. Select from default or satellite styles, or switch between light and dark themes to provide contrast with your map layers. Turn labels on or off for a cleaner look, and use the sandwiching feature to control whether your data appears above or below basemap elements like roads and water.
For custom needs, connect external map services by adding backgrounds from URL sources that support XYZ map tile format, including OpenStreetMap, MapTiler, Mapbox Studio, and ArcGIS. You can also choose a solid color background to make your data the focus of attention.
Click the Background button in the top right section of the toolbar to either choose the Default or Satellite background option or to choose a solid Color as your background
For more Felt options, click the overflow menu (three dots) next to the background options to choose from additional background types
Light theme
Dark theme
Turn labels on or off with the Show labels option
Choose a solid color for your background with the Add solid color...
The color and halo for labels are automatically reversed when using the dark or satellite Felt background.
After selecting your background, for polygon layers, you can adjust layer positioning using the "Position" option in the style editor to control whether your data appears above or below background features like roads and water.
Here are some general recommendations when choosing a background in Felt:
Working with more than 7 colors on your map? Try light or dark backgrounds
Satellite works well if you need more details from the background or more real-world context.
Select a solid color to construct your map from a blank canvas and bring your data to the foreground
You can use your own XYZ (“Slippy map”) tiles as a Felt background by specifying a URL. You can also set advanced options like the minimum and maximum zoom levels, so Felt knows when to stop requesting tiles and start to overzoom.
XYZ tile URLs provide a template that Felt can use to request tiles and must contain parameters for specifying the zoom level ({z}
), tile row ({x}
) and tile column {y}
. Felt also supports tiles served in TMS format by specifying a negative tile column parameter {-y}
Sharing your map with many viewers may incur in high costs or running out of credits.
Any API keys you include in the tile URL will be visible to all users. In some services, you can prevent other users from using your API keys or access tokens by limiting them to specific domains or URLs.
To set a custom background
Click the Background button in the top right section of the toolbar
Click the overflow menu (three dots) next to the background options.
Select Add from URL to connect custom XYZ map tiles.
Paste your XYZ tile URL from services like OpenStreetMap, MapTiler, Mapbox Studio, or ArcGIS.
Your tile URL template must include space for {z}=zoom, {x}=column, and {y}=row values like the example above. Many popular online map services make URLs available in this format.
Provide a title for your custom background.
Under Additional Settings, you can:
Customize the attribution text
Adjust UI element colors for legibility
Click Add Background to apply your custom background to the map.
Felt supports custom map backgrounds via any web-based map service supporting the popular XYZ map tile format. Compatible map tiles can be created via Mapbox Studio, found on ArcGIS servers, purchased from Planet, or found freely online via providers like Stamen.
Cached image services can be hosted via ArcGIS Online or on your own organization’s server. Access individual background image tiles via the Image Tile REST API:
Note that the order of {x}
and {y}
are switched in ArcGIS compared to other services here.
Sample tile URL templates
Use these directly in Felt:
World imagery service{z}/{y}/{x}
Dark gray basemap{z}/{y}/{x}
Tiles hosted by MapTiler can be used in Felt via Raster Tiles for Leaflet JS{layer}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?key={key}
Custom styles built in Mapbox can be used in Felt via the Mapbox Static Tiles API
You can find the username and ID for your style by looking at the “Style URL” after clicking “Share” in Mapbox Studio. Mapbox API access tokens are available on your account page,
Tile size should be set to 256
Replace z, x, y values with variables: {z}/{x}/{y}
Add your access token to the end of the URL
Sample URL:{z}/{x}/{y}@2x?access_token=[ADD_TOKEN_HERE]
The Static Tiles API converts your style into raster tiles by rendering every requested tile on the server. This limits some styling capabilities and also incurs extra cost. Please refer to the pricing section for details.
Sample tile URL template
Use this in Felt with your Mapbox token:**{z}/{x}/{y}**@2x?access_token={YOUR_MAPBOX_TOKEN}
Users with whom you share a Felt map with a custom Mapbox background will be able to view the API token.
Daily satellite scenes from Planet can be accessed via Tile Services:{type}/{id}/**{z}/{x}/{y}**.png
For non-commercial uses, Planet hosts imagery of earth’s tropical regions for Norway's International Climate and Forests Initiative (NICFI).
Sample tile URL template
Use this in Felt with your Planet API token:
Users with whom you share a Felt map with a custom Planet background will be able to view the API token.
Stamen Design published a selection of map layers useful for visualizing data or beautifying a map. Starting in November 2023, you need to create a Stadia Maps account to use Stamen Maps. See here to get started
For docs on this migration, see here. Read the full announcement here.
If you want to use the watercolor map by Stamen as a layer or background, use this this URL to upload:{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg
The Roblabs collection of xyz raster tiles for use in maps built for mobile devices, QGIS and Mapbox Styles:
Trail Notes collection tile services: 💡 Change the uppercase “Z”, “Y”, and “X” to lowercase for these to work in Felt
Geocaching Map Enhancements map sources: